PBs at Lincoln

Tuesday 07 Feb 2023 | by Hannah Stockdale

AquaPaddle Personal Bests all round at Lincoln

We’d like to say it was lovely sunny weather that meant all paddlers recorded AquaPaddle personal bests at Lincoln on Sunday, but we suppose it may have also been because for all but one paddler it was also their very first AquaPaddle event.

As this was a Pilot event for our new Lincoln location paddlers were kept to a limited number whilst the Lincoln AquaPaddle Crew tested ourselves and the route we have chosen.

Following an early morning set up and route check by 9am we had the familiar sound of paddleboards being pumped up ready for action. The Volunteer Crew were briefed and roles allocated.

The Paddlers Briefing introduces the aims of AquaPaddle and explains the route, potential hazards and introduces the Crew to all the Paddlers. Great to have fellow AquaPaddle Captain Jane from Rotherham joining us today to paddle the event.

The Crew in position and with all Paddlers ready on the water.

The 5km out and back route gave a chance for paddlers to give each other lots of encouragement on the day which was great to see. Some also enjoyed an up-close encounters with the local wildlife.

All paddlers completed the course with smiles on their faces.

Following some post event photos and lollipops almost everyone joined us for a post event social in the always welcoming Woodcocks pub. A big thank you to Matt and the team there for letting us use their carpark and grounds for our set up.

For us its one event down and many more to come in the future. We look forward to welcoming everyone on our first open AquaPaddle Lincoln on February 19th. This event is already full with 34 paddlers registered but look out for registration for the March Paddle opening soon.
By Mick Griffin and Hannah Stockdale

AquaPaddle is run purely on Donations. If AquaPaddle is of value to you with your health and wellbeing, please help by giving a donation.

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