Fantastic Fossdyke

Thursday 20 Apr 2023 | by Hannah Stockdale

As AquaPaddlers arrived in Woodcocks car park this Sunday, we were in for a treat. A meet of Vintage Pre-war Austin Sevens for the Sevens to the Sea event.

Back to our event, we had a lot of new AquaPaddlers join us this week, with participants travelling from as far away as Lancashire to take part. We were also joined by future AquaPaddle Captains Danny and Sophie who came along to see an event in action and the practical sides of running the event and the software. Danny and Sophie will be running the just announced AquaPaddle Alderford Lake.

Paddlers and crew prepared themselves for the event and all attend the introduction and safety briefing. 15 minutes before 10am the crew assist with getting everyone on to the water at the launch spot and paddlers make their way down to the start point.

The clouds cleared and the sun came out for the return leg of the paddle, we had a few passing boats on the water today to contend with but all were very friendly and slowed to pass the paddlers.

More than half of the paddlers came away from the event with new AquaPaddle personal bests. We had our youngest ever Lincoln AquaPaddler participant at 13 years of age, who was just pipped to the post by Dad Steve, young man you’ll catch him next time!

After the event most of the paddlers and spectators took advantage of the sun in the beer garden at the neighbouring Woodcocks pub.

Thank you to all who joined us, the spectators for cheering everyone on, and of our course to the volunteers for helping make this possible.

Our next event is on May 21st and we can hardly wait for it. Please come and join us, we look forward to sharing our AquaPaddle with you.

By Hannah Stockdale and Mick Griffin

AquaPaddle is run purely on Donations. If AquaPaddle is of value to you with your health and wellbeing, please help if you can by giving a donation.

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